
Showing posts from 2012
“Why do we have to listen to our hearts?" the boy asked. Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure... Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
When you find the way, others will find you. Passing by on the road, they will be drawn to your door. The way that cannot be heard, will be echoed in your voice. The way that cannot be seen, will be reflected in your eyes... Lao Tzu
Buddha, comes into a town. The whole town has gathered to listen to him but he goes on waiting, looking behind at the road, because a small girl, not more than thirteen years old, has met him on the road and told him: "Wait for me, I am going to give this food to my father at the farm, but I will be back in time. But don't forget, wait for me." Finally, the elders of the town say to Gautam Buddha , "For whom are you waiting? Everybody important is present; you can start your discourse." Buddha says, "But the person for whom I have come so far is not yet present and I have to wait." Finally the girl arrives and she says, "I am a little late, but you kept your promise. I knew you would keep the promise, you had to keep the promise because I have been waiting for you since I became aware... maybe I was four years old when I heard your name. Just the name, and something started ringing a bell in my heart. And since then it has been so long, ten year...
Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant... Hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra says: 'Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant. To scent the whole house, you have to burn to the ground.' Incense is made out of all sorts of dark things, just like the ego. If you want the incense to scent the house, you have to light it, light the ego. In disappearing, it releases the Divine perfume everywhere. If you want to scent the whole universe as Rumi did, you have to burn away. That is the Law...
Don’t ask what love can make, or can do. Look at the colors of the world... Hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
I am like heaven, like the moon, like a candle by your glow;  I am all reason, all love, all soul, by your soul... Hazrat Jalal Udin rumi ra
If in the darkness of ignorance, you don’t recognize a person’s true nature, look to see whom he has chosen for his leader... Hazrat Jalal Udin rumi ra
When you are with everyone but me,  you're with no one.  When you are with no one but me, you're with everyone... Hazrat Jalal udin rumi Ra
The mystery of spiritual emptiness  may be living in a pilgrim's heart, and yet  the knowing of it may not be his. Wait for the illuminating openness,  as though your chest were filling with Light, as when God said, Did we not expand you? hazrat jalal udin Rumi ra
You have a channel into the Ocean, and yet you ask for water from a little pool. Beg for that love-expansion. Meditate only on THAT. The Qur'an says,  And He is with you... Hazrat jalal udin Rumi ra
The wine I drink is the fire of love and God Himself pours it into my mouth! What use is your life if your bones are not used as wood for His fire? I'll leave you with that. I could go on, I could fill these pages with elegant verses, but this is a tale for the heart and soul, not the lips... hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
To everyone who suffers, endeavor always brings its fortune. The prophet has said each prostration of prayer is a knock at heaven's door. When anyone continues to knock felicity shows its smiling face... hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
my heart has journeyed many times around the world but has never found and will never find such a beloved again ah i better keep silence i know this endless love will surely arrive for you and you and you... hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
How wonderfully gracious God is! He sets a seal on those who listen and do not understand, argue and yet learn nothing. God is gracious. His wrath is gracious, and even His lock is gracious. But His lock is nothing next to Its unlocking, for the grace of that is indescribable. If I shatter into pieces, it is through the infinite grace of God’s unlocking... hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
Hazrath`Umar Rz.narrated:  The Messenger of God (May Allah bless him and give him peace) said that - "There are people among the servants of God who are neither prophets nor martyrs; the prophets and martyrs will envy them on the Day of Resurrection for their rank before God Most High." People asked: "Tell us, Messenger of God, who are they?" He (May Allah bless him and give him peace) replied: 'T hey are people who love one another for the spirit of God, without any mutual kinship or exchange of property. I swear by God, their faces will glow and they will stand in light. They will have no fear when the people will fear, and they will not grieve when the people will grieve. He(May Allah bless him and give him peace) then recited the Qur’anic verse: "Behold! Indeed, the friends of God: no fear is upon them, neither shall they grieve." (Abu Dawud )
Lovers feel a certain burning in their hearts. A deep longing and desire to meet with the beloved creates that burning. To love God is bound to create a very great fire in you. You will be on fire because you have chosen as your love object something impossible. You will have to weep and cry, and you will have to pray, and you will have to fast, and your mind has to continuously repeat and remember the beloved...
To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life; we must first set our hearts right... Confucius
When compassion fills my heart, free from all desire, I sit quietly like the earth. My silent cry echoes like thunder throughout the universe... hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
Be thirsty heart, seek forever without a rest. Let this soundless longing hidden deep inside you be the source of every word you say... hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
Holding on to your feet I cannot reach your hands. Who can I turn to, when it' s only your love I want? You tease me, saying, "I see no tears in your eyes." My heart is broken, can' t you see the drops on my eyelashes? hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
I was nothing, you made me greater than a mountain. I lagged behind, you pushed me in front. My heart was shattered, you healed it. I turned into a lover of myself... hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
I’ve had enough of sleepless nights, of my unspoken grief, of my tired wisdom. Come my treasure, my breath of life come and dress my wounds and be my cure. Enough of words. Come to me without a sound... hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra
you're my life you're my soul please be my last prayer my heart must hold you forever... Hazrat Jalal udin rumi ra
To place you in my heart may turn you into thought. I will not do that! To hold you with my eyes May turn you into thorn. I will not do that! I will set you on my breath so you will become my life... Hazrat Jalal udin rumi ra
When the light of divine love permeates your heart and soul, I swear, you will be more radiant than the sun... Hafiz ra  Translation by Rassouli
In the lover’s heart is a lute Which plays the melody of longing. You say he looks crazy – That’s only because your ears are not tuned To the music by which he dances... Hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
Quran Surah Al-Anbiya Verse 107...
There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of even one small candle...
1.To thee have We granted the Kausar (Fount.. of Abundance) 2. Therefore to thy Lord turn in Prayer and Sacrifice 3.For he who hateth thee, he will be cut off (from Future Hope)... Quran 108
I am a hidden meaning made to defy The grasp of words, and walk away With free will and destiny As living, revolutionary clay... Allama Iqbal
Our enemies are not the Jews or Christians, but our enemy is our own ignorance... Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib ra
Plants and minerals are bound to predestination.  The faithful is only bound to the Divine orders... Allma Iqbal
Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of [your] religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show “Birr” with them and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice. Allah only forbids you respecting those who made war upon you on account of [your] religion, and drove you forth from your homes and backed up [others] in your expulsion, that you make friends with them, and whoever makes friends with them, these are the unjust... Quran 60:8-9
They will spare nothing to ruin you; they yearn for what makes you suffer. Hatred has been expressed by their mouths, but what their hearts conceal is still greater. Thus have We made clear to you the revelations (or signs), if you possess understanding. Ah! You love them, but they do not love you… Quran 3:118-119
Narrated Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him), the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Verily I see what you do not see and I hear what you do not hear. The heaven is creaking and it should creak, for there is no space in it the width of four fingers but there is an angel there, placing his forehead in prostration to Allah... (Saheeh at-Tirmidhi, 2312)
And hold fast altogether to the rope of Allah and do not be divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you, in that you were once enemies to one another, but He joined your hearts together, so that by His Grace you became brothers... Quran 3:103
God has said Be Moderate with eating and drinking, but never, Be Satisfied when taking in light. God offers a teacher the treasures of the world, and the teacher responds, “To be in love with God and expect to be paid for it!” A servant wants to be rewarded for what he does. A lover wants only to be in love’s presence, that ocean whose depth will never be known... Hazrat Jalal udin Rumi ra
I have put duality away, I have seen that the two worlds are one; One I seek,  One I know, One I see, One I call... Hazrat Jalal udin Rumi ra
It was He, not I knocking at the door it was He within. I caress my own breast for there He is hidden. No one else knows you; since you and I, I know you. Forms become a trifle when feeling and intuition richly intensify. In the end a man tires of everything except heart's desiring, soul's journeying. Sultan, saint, pickpocket; love has everyone by the ear dragging us to God by secret ways. I never knew that God, too, desires us... Hazrat Jalal udin Rumi ra
Whatever happens in your life, no matter how troubling things might seem, do not enter the neighbourhood of despair. Even when all doors remain closed, God will open up a new path only for you. Be thankful! It is easy to be thankful when all is well. A Sufi is thankful not only for what he has been given but also for all that has been denied... Elif Shafak
There came one and knocked at the door of the Beloved. And a voice answered and said, 'Who is there?' The lover replied, 'It is I.' 'Go hence,' returned the voice; 'there is no room within for thee and me.' Then came the lover a second time and knocked and again the voice demanded, 'Who is there?' He answered, 'It is thou.' 'Enter,' said the voice, 'for I am within... Hazrat jalal udin Rumi ra
The time of judging Who is drunk or sober, Who is right and who is wrong Who is closer to God, and who is farther away All that is over This caravan is led instead by a great delight, The simple joy that sits with us now That is the grace... K. Hafiz ra
Birdsong brings relief to my longing. I am just as ecstatic as they are, but with nothing to say! Please, universal soul, practice some song, or something, through me... hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
My heart is on fire In my madness I roam the desert The flames of my passion devour the wind and the sky My cries of longing My wails of sorrow Are tormenting my soul You wait patiently Looking into my intoxicated eyes You accept my passion with the serenity of Love You are the Master of Existence One day I shall be a Lover like You... hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi
If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever... Alfred Tennyson
وَمَا تَشَاءُونَ إِلَّا أَن يَشَاءَ اللَّهُ رَبُّ الْعَالَمِينَ And you cannot will unless (it be) that Allah wills - the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that existz) ... Quran 81:29
Insane, silent and in bliss, I spend my days with my head at the feet of My Beloved...  . Abu-Said Abil-Kheir
The mystic dances in the sun, hearing music others don't. 'Insanity,' they say, those others. If so, it's a very gentle, nourishing sort... Hazrat jalal udin rumi ra
Wisdom is the power to put our time and our knowledge to the proper use... Thomas J. Watson
A divine dance appears in the soul and the body at the time of peace and union. Anyone can learn the dance, just listen to the music... hazrat jalal Udin Rumi ra
Love swells and surges the ocean and on your robe of stormcloud sews rain designs. Love is lightening, and also the 'ahhh' we respond with... Hazrat jalal udin Rumi ra
A certain king said to a dervish, “In the moment when you find revelation and propinquity in the Court of God, remember me.” The dervish replied, “When I come into that Presence, and the Light of that Sun shines upon me, I will no more remember myself. How then can I remember you?” Mevlana Rumi ra, fihi ma fihi 3
Is there any Reward for Good - other than Good?  Quran 55:60
Remain fixed in the heart. Whenever and wherever the attention goes, bring it back to Awareness Self. Gradually, it will remain there without effort... MOOJI
Amir Khusro of Delhi said about Multan: Multan-e-ma ba jannat-e-oola baraber ast Aahista pa baneh keh malaik sajda mi-kunand No less our Multan is to the highest of heavens Tread slowly for angels prostrate on here ... Multan hamara jannat-e-oola ke baraabar hai Aahista qadam rakh ke farishtay sadja rez hain...
“خواجہ غلام فرید” کوئی بن گیا رونق آکھیاں دی کوئی چھوڑکے شیش محل چلیا کوئی پلیا ناز تے نخریاں وچ کوئی ریت گرم تےتھل چلیا کوئی بھل گیا مقصد آون دا، کوئی کرکے مقصد حل چلیا،، اتھےھرکوئی “فرید” مسافر اے ….کوئی اج چلیاکوئی كل چليا
Remain fixed in the heart. Whenever and wherever the attention goes, bring it back to Awareness Self. Gradually, it will remain there without effort... MOOJI
O my choice beauty You've gone But your love remains in my heart Your image in my eye O guide on my winding road I keep turning round and round in the hopes of Finding you... Hazrat jalal Idin Rumi ra