Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant...
Hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra says: 'Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant. To scent the whole house, you have to burn to the ground.' Incense is made out of all sorts of dark things, just like the ego. If you want the incense to scent the house, you have to light it, light the ego. In disappearing, it releases the Divine perfume everywhere. If you want to scent the whole universe as Rumi did, you have to burn away. That is the Law...

Hazrat Jalal Udin Rumi ra says: 'Light the incense! You have to burn to be fragrant. To scent the whole house, you have to burn to the ground.' Incense is made out of all sorts of dark things, just like the ego. If you want the incense to scent the house, you have to light it, light the ego. In disappearing, it releases the Divine perfume everywhere. If you want to scent the whole universe as Rumi did, you have to burn away. That is the Law...

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