Found weeping and asked the reason, Sulaiman ad-Darani (d. 830) said: "Why should I not weep? For, when night falls, and eyes are closed in slumber, and every lover is alone with his beloved, and the people of love keep vigil, and tears stream over their cheeks and bedew their oratories, then God Almighty looks from on high and cries aloud - 'O Gabriel, dear in my sight are they who take pleasure in My Word and find peace in praising My name. Verily, I am regarding them in their loneliness, I hear their lamentation and I see their weeping. Wherefore, O Gabriel, dost thou not cry aloud amongst them - "What is this weeping?" Did ye ever see a real beloved that chastised his lover? Or how could it beseem Me to punish folk who, when night covers them, manifest fond affection towards Me?
By Myself I swear that when they shall come down to the Resurrection I will surely unveil to them My Glorious Face, in order that they may behold Me and I may behold them."


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