Appreciating beauty is said to be a virtue.
To see beauty beautifully
is beautiful.

Those who have a beautiful beloved in Paradise are beautiful.
To travel the path of beauty,
is beautiful.

The sun rises from the beautiful one's eyebrows.
The beautiful one's teeth are just like pearls.
To share beautiful food at Beauty's table
is beautiful.

To linger with the beautiful one beautifully
is beautiful --

To write the beautiful name:
beautiful --

To drink with the beautiful one:
beautiful --

To kiss the hand of the beautiful one:

The light drips from the cheeks of the beautiful.
Honey drips from the lips of the beautiful.

Hold the hand of the beautiful beautifully.
To serve the beautiful one
is beautiful.

The eyes that perceive beauty will never suffer.
Who loves beauty may die but will never decay;

Ali Izzet never shies away from beauty --
To love beauty from the depths of one's soul
is beautiful...

Asik Izzet


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