Once Hazrat Harisa (r.a) who is from amongst the Sahaba, came to meet the Holy Prophet (saw). So our Beloved Prophet (saw) asked him:

“O Harisa! How did you begin your day?”

Hazrat Harisa (r.a) replied:

“I began my day in a state of true belief in Allah Almighty.”

The Holy Prophet (saw) said to Harisa (r.a):

“O Harisa! Think about what you have just said! Do so as everything has an essence, so tell me what the essence of your faith is?”

The faithful companion of the Prophet (saw) replied:

“I have drawn myself away from this world and the sign of this state is that now stone, gold, silver or sand dunes are all equal in value to me. And I stay awake at night and bright in the day so that I am in such a state that I can see the Heavens of Allah Almighty and indeed I see the dwellers of Paradise meeting each other, and I see the dwellers of Hellfire quarreling with each other.”

So the Holy Prophet (saw) told Hazrat Harisa (r.a):

“O Harisa! Indeed you have recognized the Almighty so keep steadfast in your state!”


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