Fate (qadr) according to quran and hadiths

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 57 Surah Hadid verses 22-23:

22 No misfortune can happen on earth or in your souls but is recorded in a Decree before We bring it into existence! That is truly easy for Allah:

23 In order that ye may not despair over matters that pass you by, nor exult over favors bestowed upon you. For Allah Loves not any vainglorious boaster

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 6 Surah Anaam verse 59:

59 With Him (Allah) are the keys of the Unseen the treasures that none knoweth but He. He knoweth whatever there is on the earth and in the sea. Not a leaf doth fall but with His Knowledge: there is not a grain in the darkness (or depths) of the earth nor anything fresh or dry, but is (inscribed) in a Record Clear.

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chatper 22 Surah Hajj verse 70:

Knowest thou not that Allah knows all that is in heaven and on earth? Indeed it is all in a Record, and that is easy for Allah.

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith 94 Narrated by Ubadah ibn as-Samit

Allah's Messenger (saws) said: The (absolute) first thing which Allah created was the Pen. He commanded it to write.It (the pen) asked: What should I write? He said: Write the Al-Qadr (Decree, Fate, Destiny). So it wrote what had happened and what was going to happen up to eternity!


Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: There was argument between Adam and Moses. Moses said to Adam: You are our father. You did us harm and caused us to get out of Paradise. Adam said to him: You are Moses. Allah selected you (for direct conversation with you) and wrote with His own Hand the Book (Torah) for you. Despite this you blame me for an act which Allah had ordained for me forty years before He created me. Allah's Apostle (may peace be upon him) said:. This is how Adam came the better of Moses and Adam came the better of Moses. 


Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying. Allah fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in. There would be no escape from it. The adultery of the eye is the lustful look and the adultery of the ears is listening to voluptuous (song or talk) and the adultery of the tongue is licentious speech and the adultery of the hand is the lustful grip (embrace) and the adultery of the feet is to walk (to the place) where he intends to commit adultery and the heart yearns and desires which he may or may not put into effect. 


'A'isha, the mother of the believers, said that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) was called to lead the funeral prayer of a child of the Ansar. I said: Allah's Messenger, there is happiness for this child who is a bird from the birds of Paradise for it committed no sin nor has he reached the age when one can commit sin. He said: 'A'isha, per adventure, it may be otherwise, because God created for Paradise those who are fit for it while they were yet in their father's loins and created for Hell those who are to go to Hell. He created them for Hell while they were yet in their father's loins. 

Just as a teacher does not declare a student failed before giving him an opportunity to give his examination; the Lord Most Merciful does not fail anyone before He gives them an opportunity to give their test of life!

He is indeed the All-Knowing, and because His Knowledge is Absolutely Perfect and Absolute, He knows everything that has happened, is happening, and will happen in the future; but He is also the All-Just, and He has given each human being an opportunity of one life time as a test to either choose of their own free will to accept His Guidance and submit to Him, or deny His Guidance and reject Him!

Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 18 Surah Kahf verses 29-31:

29 Say "The Truth is from your Lord": let him who wills, believe; and let him who wills, reject (it)! For the wrongdoers (who chose to disbelieve) We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and flames) like the wall and roof of a tent will hem them in: if they implore relief they will be granted water like melted brass that will scald their faces.How dreadful the drink! How uncomfortable a couch to recline on!

30 As to those who (chose to) believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer to perish the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed!

31 For them will be Gardens of Eternity; beneath them rivers will flow; they will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and they will wear green garments of fine silk and heavy brocade; they will recline therein on raised thrones. How good the recompense! How beautiful a couch to recline on!

Whatever one chooses to do of his own free will in his test of this short and transient period of one life time, will determine his outcome in the Eternal and Everlasting life of the Hereafter.


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