The hearts can only be gathered upon the Book of Allah tabaraka wa ta’aala. Don’t try anything else. The hearts can only be gathered upon the Sunnah of the Messenger SAW. Don’t you try anything else! The hearts can only be gathered upon our understanding of As Salaf as-saalih, the Sahabah, and those who followed them, and those who followed them, they’re students of those upon that path. Don’t try anything else! It won’t work. It won’t work. Spend what you want to spend of time, or rather waste what you want to waste of time. Spend what you want to spend, say what you want to say.
Try to bring them together based on geography, try to bring them together based on nationalism, try to bring them together based on language. Try to bring them together based on anything else that will not work...
Hazrat Abu Uwais rahimahullah
Try to bring them together based on geography, try to bring them together based on nationalism, try to bring them together based on language. Try to bring them together based on anything else that will not work...
Hazrat Abu Uwais rahimahullah

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