The Prophet, peace be upon him, said:
If the whole ummah (nation) were to unite and try to benefit you in something, they would never benefit you except by that which Allah has written for you. And if the whole ummah were to unite and try to harm you in something, they would never be able to harm you except that Allah had written it upon you...
[Narrated in Sahih at-Tirmidhi, and in Musnad Ahmad (with a different wording). Authenticated by Shaykh al-Albani]
If the whole ummah (nation) were to unite and try to benefit you in something, they would never benefit you except by that which Allah has written for you. And if the whole ummah were to unite and try to harm you in something, they would never be able to harm you except that Allah had written it upon you...
[Narrated in Sahih at-Tirmidhi, and in Musnad Ahmad (with a different wording). Authenticated by Shaykh al-Albani]
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